The United States of America has a National Emergency with their Children!

This is a sick story of little girl being stabbed in her home and the brother turned out to be the person arrested for stabbing his sister, in which he previously lied about the stabbing to thousands of people.
Twelve year old brother stabs sister

The United States Presidency and the United States internal social infrastructure is so Fagatized that a 12 year old boy stabs his sister then lie’s about it…

Listen! This country the United State of America needs some old fashioned belt to the ass on their kids. The government has to stop promoting homosexuality in the schools, along with Obama promoting it on national television, then allow men to be men and women be women and for God’s sake let a man whip his own kid in his own house with out the swat team showing up at his door with guns in the fathers face!

Make homosexuality illegal and bring back morals and values to our children who are our future!

Big boy’s stabbing little girls is a sign of a dysfunctional society. This is a major national emergency that has penetrated the minds of our children to make them professional liars and professional evil Fags.

Bring back John Wayne to the television screen along with some morals in the education of our American children … There is simply to many trashy school teachers, trashy parents, and trashy politicians running Fag America. Something in this country needs to change because the kids of this country are taking America straight into the toilet with all the politically correct Fag lies!

This is a sick story of little girl being stabbed in her home and the brother turned out to be the person arrested for stabbing his sister then lying about it to thousands of people that was posted on the home page of on 05-11-2013.

For more stories like this one visit Mr. Gabriel De La Vega Jr’s archive at: or else

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